Church Plant Training Intensive (CPTI) - Edmonds, WA

May 28, 2025 to May 31, 2025
6:00pm – 12:00pm
Location: 657 DALEY STREET, Edmonds, Washington 98020
Our Church Plant Training Intensive (CPTI) is a four-day, in-person training that consists of teaching with our instructors and discussion with your peers.
You'll receive tools and frameworks to help you plant in a way that's both fruitful in your context, faithful to Jesus, and that follows an Anglican perspective.
The CPTI is for the purpose of preparing church planters, their teams, and their oversight. The training intensive focuses on the creation of a strategic plan for a successful beginning by mapping out its methodology, component parts, timeline, and benchmarks. The planter and his/her team members will be given the tools, not only for implementing these components of starting a new church, but also for training future team members in the work of starting new ministries within thechurch. The time together will include teaching, interaction, discussion, and outlining your church’s ministry plan.
Topics will include theological/Biblical foundations for Anglican planting, missional strategies, practical steps in reaching your community, organizational/logistical issues, financial issues such as fundraising and budgeting, polity and church planting, strategiesfor personal/marital health, communication strategies, etc. Spouses are included in the fee for the planter and we strongly recommend spouse attendance.
This training is hands-on while we are in person together. Additional training components are available to create a more comprehensive training experience. We offer pre-training videos which participants should watch in preparation for the Training Intensive. There is homework with the videos which will make our time together at the Intensive all the more fruitful and productive.
We also offer an option for continued training and coaching following the in-person Training Intensive. Following the week Intensive, we will continuethe work of preparing for a new church by meeting on-line in cohorts with a coach/trainer. The cohorts will make certain that what was started at the Intensive is actually finished and ready for the work of planting a church.
Presenters include The Rev. Canon Dr. Dan Alger and Director Molly Ruch -- Always Forward Church Planting; and other church plant practitioners.